Saturday, October 29


The GSIS Halloween Party '05


Jim and Me

The Girls (Me, Pei, Mara, and Heather)
The Red People - Rachel and Matt

Adam and Amy

Mike's Kegstand - Why do I feel like I haven't left undergrad?

The Two Cruellas - you be the judge - who is better? And if you say her, I will hunt you down and kill your puppies...

(more photos on the my Flickr page)


heatherfeather said...

is there even any question as to who was the better cruella? as i stated AT the party, she needs the fur wrap (which she kept putting down) to resemble curella.

you went so far as to put puppy spots ON YOUR SKIN.

that's commitment. you were as serious as a heart attack with your cruella, and FAR hotter.

(hee hee: ppzear)

Yaymee said...

Thank you. Ernie is safe for now.

heatherfeather said...

i like how michelle (aka the [insert favorite insult here]) is featured in the back of the cruella picture.


Yaymee said...

Yes, Cherz. Although Michelle was attempting to be "Eve", I think she looks more like topless chick in that picture.

Wow, this comment was very difficult to write - I am trying to be inoffensive. It's hard to not let those insulting adjectives and nouns pour out.

heatherfeather said...

i hear that.

[lifts vodka and soda, grimaces, drinks]

happy pwenzii everyone!