Thursday, November 3

Beep beep beep - the Emergency Alert System has been activated.

Sometimes I forget how mean I actually am.

I mean, generally, I am a nice person, right? But when I get stressed and have to focus (aka, week 8 every quarter), the bitch in me really rears its ugly head. Many of you who know me well recognize that I get this way when I need down time, alone time, Amy-time. At these stressed moments, my Amy-time disappears - alone time turns into work time. And all of a sudden, I turn into a bitch.

Maybe I am sharing this with all of you as a warning. Don't take it personally if I don't feel like hanging out. It has absolutely nothing to do with you - absolutely nothing. It has everything to do with me and I apologize in advance for being a bad friend for the upcoming 2.5 weeks. In fact, I think this may also be somewhat related to Peace Corps stress as well, so I apologize for being a bad friend for the next.... ummm.... 2 months or so.

Thanks for understanding.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

lol two months. I totally know what you mean. I HAVE to have sara time.