Friday, November 11

Sleepless Night

Last night, after I finished my AFM Research Design paper (which came out well, I might add!), I went stright to bed. It was early - only 12:30, but I was exhausted.

The only problem was that I couldn't fall asleep! I kept mentally writing papers or correcting the one I had just written - you know adding a half a sentence of clarification here or whatever. I guess the stress of finals is once again getting to me!

So, I decided at around 1:30 to STOP thinking about school. I did some deep breathing stuff and tried to relax myself into sleep. Of course, then I started worrying about my packing list for Guinea! I remember looking at the clock at around 3ish before I dozed off. For some reason, I just couldn't control all these worries....

So, needlesss to say, I am exhausted. I woke up at 6, got to school by 8am, and I will hopefully be home by 8pm. I was so tired during my break from class this morning, I wasn't sure if I had the energy to walk DOWNstairs to visit MK. That's pathetic!

I can only think about one thing right now: I know what I am doing tonight - getting home ASAP and getting into PJ's for a little something I like to call B-E-D.


heatherfeather said...

hopefully you slept better last night than thursday night!


Yaymee said...

oh, boy, did i! I slept for like 11 hours!