Sunday, January 8

A Fellow MI

Today, two days before I leave for my Peace Corps service, I had lunch with a man who I know will make the best Peace Corps volunteer the world has ever seen. He is a fellow MI student, so we have struggled through the last year and a half together, and he has been there to keep me sane at school and to help me get pumped up for Guinea. He and I have discussed our hopes for Peace Corps service, our anxieties, our insecurities, and our future aspirations. He has been a good friend, and I wish him the best of luck with getting the perfect assignment.

Remember, you and I are made for this, and we are going to kick some butt over in South America and West Africa, respectively.

I feel lucky to have a such an inspirational friend going through the same thing right now. Thanks for always reminding me why we are doing this.

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