Tuesday, January 17

In Love

hey everyone! i made it here safely and we have begun training in mamou, a cool and dry city in the mountainous fouta region. i have already made great friends and i absolutely love it here. so far, my stomach is alright, but everyone else is getting super sick. i have been told to just wait - it will be my turn soon!

let me tell you a bit about my day - i wake up and bathe in coooooold water, use a flushing pit latrine and then head out for breakfast. we usually eat baguette and a hardboiled egg or peanut butter. then off to orientation. not too much fun, but at least we get to sit outside and listen to the sheep baaaaaa and the monkeys jump in the trees. it is super distracting to have monkeys around during class time!!!! for lunch, we have rice and sauce - same for dinner.

each day has been different, and i am truly having a wonderful time!! dont worry about me - i am in good hands with pc and i have made good friends already. i will try to post soon, but i cant promise anything!!! love to everyone and i will write soon.


Anonymous said...

Congrats on the safe arrival at site! Also glad to hear that you are simply loving Guinea. As for getting sick, follow PC's advice as best you can and you might be able to avoid getting sick. I am case and point that its possible stay healthy when everyone else around you is sick! Hang in there!

Chris said...

So glad to hear that you made it there safely and, it would seem, with luggage intact. Look forward to reading more about your adventures!

heatherfeather said...

yaymee, hooray you made it!

i'm so excited for you (and even more excited that you're distracted by sheep and monkeys)!

i love you so much!

Anonymous said...

Amy, I am so relieved to receive this message. I am thrilled that you made it safely and even happier that things are going so well. BTW, you are totally the hottest PCV in Guinea. Fritz