Wednesday, June 7


I'm back in Siguiri, whether I want to be here or not. One minute I am excited to be home and pulling my water again, and the next I am wishing for running water. It’s good to be home though, especially because now I have a stove! And guess who’s getting cooked tonight – Miss Sweet Potato-head. I can’t wait to have some sweet potatoes with fried eggplant and a tomato salad . Life is good with a stove. No rice and sauce today!
I am coming back strong with work. My first morning back, I met with a new groupement who makes big rice cooking pots (marmites) out of old aluminum cans. It was basically an introductory meeting, and I am going back tomorrow to see how their business actually works and if there is anything I can do to help them.
I also came to ADRA today to check up on my grant proposal, only to be told it has been cancelled. Thanks to the gods of development bureaucracy, I am free from Food For Progress. And Mandy told me about a new project I can work on that sounds a lot less daunting and a bit more fun. We are going to have a trash clean-up in nearby villages! Yay for cleaning up the dirtiest prefecture in Guinea!
Overall, I am very happy to be back, although the countdown to IST (aka, next time I see Reid) is constantly in the back of my mind. I am sure I will settle in again and enjoy my time at site this month.
I wish everyone a happy June, and I will be in touch again soon.
Ps – there is a general strike about to commence in Guinea, so I may be away from email for a couple weeks. I am not too worried about anything here, as everyone seems pretty calm in Siguiri. I hope ADRA stays open so I can work (and have free internet time!).

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