Sunday, August 13


I am attempting to upload some pictures. Let's see how many I get done!

From Pita in July:

Reid's House (Can you find Reid in the picture?)

Me by the waterfall where we had a breakfast picnic


From the Haute White Trash Trailer Bash:

G-11 decked out to party (check out Eden's fake gold tooth!)

The party was amazing - Haute welcomed G-12 with all we got! At first, we weren't going to tell the G-12ers that we had the themed party, hoping they would make it to Haute, see us in our White Trash costumes, and think we were all actually like that. But, we let them know, and they were able to take part in the theme. My vote for best costume goes to Julie who was a pregnant Walmart employee with her baby's daddy, Drew. You can't see my shirt in the above picture, but Bob Dake convinced me to wear a cut-up t-shirt saying "Jersey Girls aren't trash... Trash gets picked up." Yes, I made fun of my Jersey roots, but.... yeah, no excuse.... Anyway, it was a great night!

By the end of September, I will have time in Conakry to upload more pictures - check my Flickr website then!


Anonymous said...

Hi Amy!

It's been a while but I'm glad you're doing well, having fun, and being challenged. I'm finishing up here in El Salvador. I sent a letter a while ago, not sure if you got it. I hope all the best for you!


Anonymous said...

the best parts of the latest update,
i found reid- he's by the column
the waterfall is beautiful
your made-up titles, very official!

love ya, mara :)

Jessica Towns said...

Hi there Peace Corp volunteer! If you would like something small from the states let me know before September 18 2006. I know how after a few month I really crave the funniest things!
I arrive in Conakry on september 24 at 2 am, but i could drop it off in Tayuyah. (my favorite restaurant is there! it's blue and on the main drag with all the clubs. She lights the tables by candlelight and the Kaikai is delicious!)