Monday, December 17

I have found my leaf sauce

Last night, after a long day of skiing, Reid and I went to our newest favoritest Indian place. As I was contemplating what to get, I asked Reid, "do I feel like a saag?"

"Ewww... that's just leaf sauce! But with spinach, not sweet potato leaves." he replied. As many of you know, I LOOOOOVVED leaf sauce in Guinea. I would buy the ingredients for my family weekly so I could be guaranteed my favorite sauce once a week. I have missed it dearly since I have left. I have not tried to make it, as I don't know where to get manioc or sweet potato leaves. Lately, I have had dreams about slicing leaves in my hand with my family and eating leaf sauce over rice with my hand.

So, I ordered the aluu saag, and ate leaf sauce once again. It was a different leaf sauce, and I ate it with a fork, but it satisfied that craving, and I am happy.

1 comment:

inseattle said...

i did not know you liked leaf sauce, but i am glad you found something similar in indian food.
it reminds me that food is one of the things that can connect us to places the most.
one of my favorite memories is eating "potjekos" a south african stew around a hollad.
merry christmas!