Saturday, July 9


To give those of you who hate political rants from people who are just there to light-heartedly entertain, let me submit another post.

I have decided that Secaucus is my new favorite word of the day. I suppose you can't have cities as your word of the day, but I don't care. Secaucus is just too good to pass up. It's up on the list of good words near deciduousity (which isn't a word, but again, I don't care). Top of the list remains the ever-perfect word, yogurt. Say it a few times outloud to yourself (right now, while you are alone in your room or in public at work or whatever - people will understand) and you will understand its strange beauty.

So, tonight, if you are joining us to go salsa-ing downtown, don't be surprised if you hear me throw Secaucus into a sentence. Sometimes you just have to celebrate wonderful words like that and use them in conversation. Secaucus. Ahhhhh.


heatherfeather said...

i'm still a fan of spackle and gelatinous. seacaucus is good too, and i'm also thinking that djibouti is still AWESOME.

hey baby, djibouti is the capital of djibouti.

heatherfeather said...

secaucus, seacaucus, whatever

Erik said...

yaymee-heatherfeather linked me here, told me i should say hi. i don't have a lot of friends, maybe we can fire something up? just kidding, i'm very popular.

okay, forget about that, let me tell you a true story. my best friend from childhood was named benjamin, but i called him 'yogurt' because i couldn't pronounce benjamin. that's truly pathetic, isn't it? don't try to make me feel better about that.

p.s. neat blog! i'll be back, even if it creeps you out!

Yaymee said...

Erik, welcome to my blog! Don't worry about me being sketched out by your visits - but if you keep trying to convince me you're popular, I may not believe you.

About your Benjamin story... you don't need a reason to call a good friend "yogurt." I see it as a term of endearment, for you can't possibly choose a better nickname for someone!

I have never been good at picking up nicknames, and I am a bit jealous of your friend, Ben. I have blamed it on "Amy" being too easy to say. If someone called me yogurt, even once, I would go by that forever. I would even consider becoming "Yogurt" legally, although the judge may ask if I have live and active yogurt cultures inside to prove my true yogurtness.

Yaymee said...

Heatherfeather - my favorite capital city name is, by far, Tegucigalpa. Honduras. Love it! Made me smile even now just typing it!

Also: Check today's post for a picture of me on Djo'booty!

heatherfeather said...

well done, erik. yaymee's my favorite, so making nice with her is what it's all about.

however, you have just proved that you respond to email a heck of a lot slower than you read it....

[stern head shaking]

oh well, i do too...

Erik said...

to me, one does not need active yogurt cultures to be a yogurt. i'll think of you as yogurt in my mind from now on. i don't see ben as much these days, so i don't think he will be upset. this is a good compromise.

hf-i know, at times i'm terrible. although i think you will agree that when someone moves, they deserve way more slack than normal.

p.s. no one will probably ever read this, because it's fallen off the main page. this comment feels very lonely...

heatherfeather said...

if only i knew what day you felt lonely and yogurty off of the main page...

oh well, i came back because you'll never know when erik will sneak in, OR when you'll be wracking your brain for the capital of honduras.