Wednesday, July 13

Summer Project #1

So, these are the new pictures of my closet. I have spent multiple days now cleaning out, hanging new shelves, and putting stuff back in. It is so organized right now, I kinda gross myself out. Please notice how few shoes there are on the floor (many were moved under the bed). I figured that if I don't wear them once a week, they must go away! In addition, I cleaned out the unworn clothes - gave many many away and threw the unwearable out. Now, it's kinda sad to see how little clothing I actually own! And also, please note the shelf with the four piles of papers and books. There is one pile for each: french, my "New Europe" class, Peace Corps stuff, and a pile of unused folders/binders. (In the fall, there will be a pile for each of my three classes and a pile of unused stuff.) I love it! Now, on Tuesday mornings, when I am rushing off to work, I no longer have to search for my french books - they are right there on the shelf!

I am telling you - it is magical.

Now, what will my next project be??? I know what I have to do... get all my International Systems papers together in one binder to join all my other organized class binders from the past. That stupid class took up 20 weeks of my life and gave me a headache every Tuesday, but it ended over 6 months ago! And the notes are still a mess, sticking out of a binder on the floor in a corner of my room. For some reason (can anyone figure out why?), I never feel like looking at that stuff again. But it is time. Ugh.

Let me ask you a question before I end this post. You know when you go back to school in the fall and your teacher asks everyone what they did over the summer. Who is going to have the coolest answer? Maybe... just maybe... not me. "I, ummm.... worked, took classes, saw a lot of doctors for Peace Corps, and reorganized my closet!" I have been keeping myself busy, but I need a vacation!


heatherfeather said...

hey! thanks again for the clothes! you'll keep me in workwear all summer long!

tell people that over the summer you went to santa fe, saw pronghorn (make the hand gesture), and yoda made a periodic appearance in the car! then peace corps, doctors, ricki-fixi, etc... :)

see you tonight!!

Yaymee said...

laughed outload at my desk when i thought of the pronghorn sign. for some reason, i wanted to do it right here, right now, when it couldn't be more inappropriate.

how do you think art gilbert will react if that is how i answer the question, "what did you do this summer?"

so sad that sushi is still about 4 hours away.........