Tuesday, August 30

Ricki Catastrophe

Let me set the stage: yesterday evening, I was pleasantly on my way to Anna's house to go on a walk with her and her dog, Mya. I am singing along (as always) with the radio, and driving north on Colorado Blvd, and I see the light directly ahead of me change to yellow. But I had plenty of time, so I continued forward. As I make it through the intersection.... BOOOOM!

Some lady hit me with her Camry. She was making a left hand turn onto 6th Ave, but instead of waiting for me to completely pass before she turned, she just drove into the back of my car. Thankfully, nobody in the situation was hurt well, besides Ricki... my honey... my love... my car.

Let me show you pictures of Ricki's new scar:

Ok, so I know it's not that bad. Not worth the $ to get it fixed or the chance that my insurance payments may go up if I reported it. The car is over 10 years old. It is time Ricki has a solid scar. He really only had the slightest of scratches before. Maybe this dent will give Ricki some extra character.

I keep trying to be positive about it, but in reality, Ricki had plenty of personality before. He didn't need one ounce more. Poor Ricki.

1 comment:

heatherfeather said...

why doesn't the other driver's insurance cover rickifixing?

glad you're ok, bunny...