Saturday, August 6

Spoke with Kerry, an old friend from Peace Corps today. He made me feel more at ease about actually getting cleared for Guinea. Things are looking good! Other than that, I am just getting some stuff done around the house... for some reason, I felt the need to get all my books organized in the basement. Some have been in boxes, some have been on different shelves, etc. But now they are all on a set of shelves in the basement. As I was looking through them, I thought about choosing a book or two to take to Guinea. Are there any books I could read over and over again? Any recommendations? What would y'all choose if you were in the same position?

I am not too worried about reading materials - in pictures of the Peace Corps Office in Conakry, there are HUGE shelves with many many books that have been left by volunteers. So, there will be some variety. Plus, I expect care packages from friends and family in the states with books inside. No need for cookies - they will be stale by the time they reach me, but books will be the perfect gift. (This is not a subversive hint for those of you who will want to send gifts, rather it is an honest recommendation.)

Ok, I am going to jump in the shower and maybe think about what I am going to wear salsa dancing tonight (you thought I would miss a week?)!

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