Monday, September 26

Wicked (I'm not using it as a synonym for "cool")

So, tonight, my friends and I went to see Wicked, which was FABULOUS! It has many different themes, and you can pick which one you wish to cling to: friendship, adversity, love, politics... I went for the "following your dreams in the face of adversity" one. I figure the path of my life is not going to be an easy one - well, at least regarding my career. According to Beyond Economic Man, one of the first texts on feminist economic theory, women in the field of heterodox economics are often ostracized and live a "lonely existence." If she wants to go into econ, a woman must become hard, callus, almost un-feminized. And, ummm.... most of you have met me, and I don't think I could ever be un-feminized. I am a chick's chick, and I really like pink skirts.

But, in the musical, the Wicked Witch of the West is trying to do good and stop the crazy dictatorial wizard from brainwashing everyone and making Oz just a happy, content place. She is only trying to do good, but the brainwashed Munchkins (aka, most of America) think she is evil. And with my theories, I may be just like her - trying to do a decent thing, but viewed by many as backwards, wrong, working against the system, evil. This theme of the musical resonated very strongly with me.

But to show different themes that made many viewers search inside, connect with the musical on a deeper level, I will tell you my friend, Sarah's first reaction to the musical. (Before I do, I will also say that she later went on about the political themes and the the history is a lie theme and all). But anyway, right after the show she asked "I wonder if the scarecrow has a real penis or if it is made out of straw too. And I wonder if that creates a problem for him and the Wicked Witch of the West." We laughed all the way home.


Anonymous said...

whoah there, your blog entries are way too intellectual...

heatherfeather said...

did the scarecrow and the WWW get it on in the show?


Yaymee said...

Me??? Intellectual??? Never!!!

And, yes, they fall in love - not to ruin it for anyone who is planning to see it.

Anonymous said...

I saw it on the 14th. And I agree it was awesome.

I'm a newbie here, and I just would like to ask, what is "heterodox economics?" Never heard the term.

Unknown said...

Where did you see the show? Curious cuz I have several friends who just finished the tour.