Saturday, July 30

Awakened with an Invitation

Ok, so I really really hate being woken up early on a "weekend" morning. And, yes, it is Friday today, but I am a student who only works at her job 3 days a week, so it is the weekend today. Anyway, I think the whole world should understand by now that I am not the normal nice Amy when you wake me up - say - before 11 on a weekend. Ok, I will tell the truth - don't ever wake me up. Ever. Even if I asked you to wake me up, I will throw things at you and curse violently when you do. My friend, Rae-Anne, learned this in college and then refused to be my alarm clock ever again.

How quickly I digress from my point that I have not even started to make.... this post is not supposed to be about my work schedule or about college or anything of the sort. It is about the first time I have ever been this happy about being woken up early on a weekend.

Picture this: I am lying happily in my bed, dreaming of clouds, sunshine, sandy beaches (or about Dickhoff burning houses down), and I get a phone call from the almighty Peace Corps Placement Office:

"I have rarely seen such a perfect match between a placement and a volunteer. I have an opening in a Microcredit Program leaving for Morocco on September 10th to offer you."

You know how a normal girl dreams of her knight in shining armor on bended knee uttering the most perfect words she can imagine: "blah, blah, blah, will you marry me?" Well, the above statement that Joyce Wagner spoke to me at 9:30 this morning was my equivalent. It is all I have dreamed of for years, all I have worked towards - my Peace Corps placement.

And then I said no. Apparently Mr. Piers Causton updated my earliest departure date (January 1st) in my hard-copy file, but not in the computer. So Joyce prepared an invitation for me although I have a quarter left of school. It was hard to say no, but I had to.

But just to hear those words spoken was heaven. It made my day. And although Morocco will not be in there when I hear similar words spoken to me in three months, hopefully a "Mauritania" or "Mali" will be in its place. I have faith that Peace Corps will find an even more perfect placement for me and make my morning once again.


ps - can someone please teach me the how to use "awakened", "woken", "awoken", and "awokenedness" properly. I never learned. Being that this whole post is about being early, I need to know!


heatherfeather said...

yaymeeeeee! that's awesome!! it sucks they were early, but you're a perfect match AND on the west africa desk!

so we'll look out for mali or mauritania (i still think mali's shaped like a martini glass) - is it something with "m" countries that aren't in central asia?

selfish heather's REALLY GLAD you're not leaving on the 10th of september, though. :)

Yaymee said...

Actually, Morocco is part of the "Europe, Mediterranean, Asia" (EMA) region, not the Africa region. So, I was on the wrong desk... but I still think I will get a great African "M" country in a couple months!

And I am glad I will be in Denver this fall too! I am looking forward to it.