Wednesday, July 27

"You know, every boy goes through that phase."

Oh - I had the strangest dream last night. Let me tell you:

I was sleeping in a very very comfortable bed (isn't it funny when your dreams start off with you asleep?), and I was awoken by my cell phone. It was a text from Matt Dickhoff saying that he and his friend had set a house on fire, and he was all proud of it and such. I was super-pissed he woke me up to tell me that, being that it was early on a weekend morning. But, as I read the message and thought about being angry with him, I realized that the house I was in WAS THE ONE ON FIRE! I remember trying to find my way out - passing through unfamiliar rooms and dodging burning curtains and doorways. Finally, I made it out into the grassy area in the back. Oh, boy, was I angry with Dickhoff.

Anyway, later that day, the police were looking for the arsenist(s), and I went down to the police station and told them that I had proof that I knew who it was - the text I had received that morning. Yeah, I turned him in. Remember, he had woken me up that morning with a text AND set the house that I was sleeping in on fire! He deserved it. I remember being afraid that he was going to find out that it was me who turned him in, and I wanted to be a protected witness and such. Anyway, long story short, Dickhoff went to jail and never set any houses on fire again.

I ran into Dickhoff this morning outside the library, and told him about the dream. It went something like this:

me: I had a dream about you last night.
him: hehehe, another dream about me, huh?
me: not that type of dream (and i told him the whole story)
him: that's fucked up.
me: the moral: don't let me know you are setting anything on fire bc apparently I will turn you in. btw - were you ever a little pyro growing up?
him: you know, every boy goes through that phase.


heatherfeather said...


and i don't seem to understand your post's title.

is "turn in dickhoff" on your list? :)

Yaymee said...

hahaha - i was going to write about something else, but changed my mind.... guess i forgot to change the title!

thanks for bringing that to my attention. how's the german?

heatherfeather said...

i'm waiting on an email from you re: our txts last night first...


i'm such a dope...

Yaymee said...


heatherfeather said...



Erik said...

ok, you guys are way off topic, and you're also leaving leaving hug and kiss symbols which are innappropriate.

i'm here to say that every boy does go through that phase. most of us just light twigs and little bits of our fingers on fire, but some guys move on to houses and other man-made dwellings. we need to celebrate the lives of these daring arsonists.

Yaymee said...


You want to celebrate those who burn buildings down? Sounds good. Any reason is a good reason for a cracking a beer open and having a party.

I really have no problem with boys lighting things on fire. That is, unless it's early on a weekend morning and I am in that house. So, a hint for all those boys out there - if you want to win my heart, burn things down during the week and (maybe) make sure I am not in there. You know, Erik, you should add this to your July 7th post concerning how to deal with women. It's useful advice.

heatherfeather said...

look at erik! glass house throwing stones! he's getting on people for being off topic in comment sections of blogs!

i can xo people all i want, by the way.


heatherfeather said...

and yayms, it's too bad you're not in san diego - erik's looking for hearts to win. at least people to make out that the same thing?

(i don't recommend burning things for real though. but i'm not yaymee...mmm, beer... wait, i got distracted by all the commas i use...)

Yaymee said...

Yeah, too bad I am not in San Diego - I am so jealous of all those girls that Erik apparently stares at in a "creepy, insecure way." And stealing a girl's heart is not equivalent to making out with her - not even in my book.

Heather, all those x's and o's in a row are kinda hot. Were they directed at me or Erik? Please say me or I be jealous (for real this time).

Wow, the song lyric I am notorious for singing to you and Pei just ran across my mind. Hehe.


heatherfeather said...

i'm giggling a dirty old man laugh right now.

and of course the xo's were directed at you. i don't xo people who don't dig it. (which is too bad because they're looking for people to make out with, but their loss, i say.)

DANG IT, NOW THAT SONG IS IN MY HEAD...AGAIN! especially the part in the chorus that's fun to sing loudly.

Erik said...

you guys kill me! ok, you can do your insipid x's and o's. fine. don't you think i have better things to do at 3 am than post a comment in yaymee's blog? well, i don't.

hf-okay, i'm consistently off-topic when i post to your blog. you're not exactly miss on-topic yourself.

yaymee-i think you've posted 2 new entries since this one, so i should probably comment on those, rather than flogging the dead horse that is this post. however, i can't help myself.

p.s. stealing a girl's heart is the same as making out with her. i'm sure of it!