Monday, July 25

Peace Corps Placements

Soooo.... I have gotten super-excited again about Peace Corps! And it is all because two friends, Bryan and Amy (not me), got invitations last week. Bryan is hopefully heading to Kyrgystan on Sept 14th and Amy is heading to Moldova on Sept 12th. I think both of them are pretty happy with these options, although Bryan is worried that he won't pick up much Russian and learn more Kyrgyz. But they know! I have been waiting forever just to know. That will be me in a few months!

I just have to finalize a few things for Medical before I send off the packet. I have to get the TB test, pick up the signed forms at the dentist, ummm.... oh, and get my bloodwork done. So, not that bad, huh?

I can't wait to hear where/when I am going!


heatherfeather said...

that's so exciting for them!

and for you!

and i thought you were getting your tb test done like 10 days ago, missy...

Yaymee said...

The doctor didn't have the stuff to do it. She had to reorder it, so, I have to wait...

Miss you!

heatherfeather said...

nothing like having to wait for something you don't really want to do in the first place...

miss you too!


Yaymee said...

I was just giggling uncontrollably at "yogurt." Inappropriate at the office. Oh well.

heatherfeather said...

day late and a dollar short, but i do what i can to make you giggly!